Winter Furnace Maintenance Tips for Calgary Homeowners

Winter Furnace Maintenance Tips Calgary Homeowners

Welcome to our guide on winter furnace maintenance tips specifically for Calgary homeowners. We understand the importance of keeping your furnace running efficiently and keeping your home warm and cozy throughout the chilly winter months. In this blog, we will provide you with essential furnace maintenance tips to help you get through the winter season with ease. These tips will help you improve energy efficiency, prevent costly repairs, and extend the lifespan of your new furnace installation. Let’s get started with our winter furnace maintenance tips for Calgary homeowners!

Importance of Regular Furnace Maintenance

Scheduling a furnace inspection with One Stop HVAC is essential in ensuring that your furnace is in optimal condition for the winter season. At least once a year, preferably before the start of winter, you should schedule a professional furnace inspection to catch any potential issues before they become more significant problems.

As Calgary homeowners ourselves, we understand the importance of finding a reliable HVAC company.

  • Preventing costly repairs: Our professional technician can identify any furnace repairs early address them before they become more costly to fix.
  • Reducing energy bills: A well-maintained furnace operates more efficiently and can save you money on energy bills during the winter season.
  • Ensuring safety: A furnace inspection can identify any potential safety issues, such as gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks, ensuring your family’s safety.
  • Extending the lifespan of your furnace: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your furnace, saving you money in the long run by delaying the need for a replacement.

Don’t wait until you have a malfunctioning furnace to schedule a professional inspection. Take preventative measures and ensure your furnace is ready for the chilly Calgary winter.

Winter Furnace Maintenance Checklist:

1. Cleaning & Changing Air Filters

Clean air filters are essential for ensuring your furnace runs efficiently. Dirty or clogged filters can cause your furnace to work harder than it needs to, leading to higher energy bills and potential system malfunctions. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly clean or change your air filters, especially during the winter months when your furnace is running frequently.

Here are some essential furnace tips for maintaining your air filters:

  1. Check your filters every month and clean or change them as needed. If you have pets, you may need to change them more frequently.
  2. Choose the right filter for your furnace. Not all filters are created equal, and choosing the wrong one can reduce airflow and efficiency.
  3. Turn off your furnace before changing the filter
  4. Reference the furnace manual for filter location and instructions on how to change it
Benefits of cleaning or changing air filters regularly:
1. Improved indoor air quality by removing pollen, dust, and other air pollutants
2. Enhanced furnace efficiency by providing proper airflow to prevent lost energy, causing increased energy bills
3. Extended furnace lifespan by reducing wear and tear on the system and preventing potential malfunctions

winter furnace maintenance


2. Checking & Clearing Vents

Proper airflow is crucial for your furnace to work efficiently. If your vents are blocked or your ducts are dirty, it can lead to decreased airflow and cause your furnace to work harder than it should, which can increase your heating bills.

To ensure unrestricted airflow, we recommend checking your vents and air ducts regularly and clearing any obstructions you find.

Start by inspecting the vents in each room of your home. Make sure they are not obstructed by any furniture, curtains, or other objects. Then, remove the vent covers and clean them with soap and water or a vacuum cleaner.

Next, inspect your ductwork for any visible signs of dirt, dust, or debris. If you find any, clean them using a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a hose attachment. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaning products, which can damage your ductwork.

If you have difficulty reaching your ductwork or identify any damage, we recommend calling a professional furnace maintenance service to carry out a more thorough inspection and cleaning.

3. Programming Thermostat For Energy Efficiency

Programmable thermostats can help you reduce the strain on your HVAC system, they allow you to adjust the temperature so your furnace isn’t constant running. It can also help you save energy and money on your heating bills during the winter. Here are some tips to program your thermostat effectively:

  • Adjust temperatures when you’re away: Lower the temperature by a few degrees when you’re away from home during the day. This can save you up to 10% on your heating bill annually.
  • Set temperature at night: Lower the temperature by a degree or two at night when you’re asleep. This can help you sleep better and save money.
  • Optimize temperature for comfort: Raise the temperature to your desired comfort level when you’re home during the day and evenings, and lower it when you’re sleeping or away.
  • Use smart thermostats: Smart thermostats can learn your heating preferences and automatically adjust the temperature, which can help save energy and time programming manually.

Using programmable or smart thermostats is an effective way to reduce your heating bills and maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. By programming your thermostat to suit your lifestyle, you can ensure that your furnace operates efficiently and that your home stays warm during the winter.

3. Ensuring Proper Insulation & Sealing

Proper insulation and sealing are crucial for keeping your home warm and cozy during the winter season. As Calgary homeowners, we know all too well how harsh the winter weather can be, and we must take steps to ensure our homes are well insulated and sealed.

Without proper insulation and sealing, heat can escape from our homes, forcing our furnaces to work harder and increasing our energy bills. In addition, poor insulation and sealing can lead to cold drafts and uncomfortable living conditions.

To ensure proper insulation and sealing in your home, start by identifying areas that may require attention. Check for gaps or cracks in doors and windows, and seal them with weather stripping or caulking. Make sure your attic and walls are adequately insulated, and consider adding insulation if necessary.

By taking these steps, you will keep your home warm and comfortable while reducing your heating costs. As part of your winter home maintenance routine, we recommend inspecting your insulation and sealing before the cold weather hits, and making any necessary repairs or updates.

At One Stop HVAC, we understand the importance of proper insulation and sealing for furnace maintenance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our HVAC experts.


Why is regular furnace maintenance important?

Regular furnace maintenance is important because it can help prevent costly furnace repairs, improve energy efficiency, and extend the lifespan of your furnace. It ensures that your furnace is running smoothly and efficiently, keeping your home warm and comfortable during the winter months.

How often should I schedule a professional furnace inspection?

It is recommended to schedule a professional furnace inspection at least once a year, preferably before the start of the winter season. This ensures that your furnace is in optimal condition, reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, and allows any potential issues to be addressed proactively.

How do I clean or change my air filters?

To clean your air filters, start by turning off your furnace. Remove the filters and gently vacuum or rinse them under lukewarm water. Let them dry completely before placing them back in the furnace. If your filters are disposable, simply replace them with new ones according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

How can I check and clear vents and air ducts?

Start by visually inspecting all the vents and air ducts in your home to ensure they are not blocked or obstructed. Use a vacuum cleaner or a long-handled brush to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated. If you notice any signs of mold or excessive dirt, it is advisable to contact a professional HVAC technician for further cleaning.

How can I program my thermostat for energy efficiency?

Programming your thermostat for energy efficiency involves setting different temperature levels for different times of the day. Lower the temperature when you are away from home or asleep and raise it when you are present and need more warmth. If you have a programmable or smart thermostat, take advantage of its features to automate temperature adjustments and maximize energy savings.

How can I ensure proper insulation and sealing in my home?

Check for drafts and air leaks around doors, windows, and other openings. Install weatherstripping or caulking to seal any gaps and prevent heat loss. Proper insulation in the attic, walls, and basement is also essential. Consider adding insulation or upgrading existing insulation to improve energy efficiency and maintain a comfortable indoor environment.