keeprite repair installation


Are you in need of dependable repair or installation services for KeepRite furnaces and air conditioners in Calgary? One Stop HVAC provides same-day repair services for all KeepRite products. Contact us now to book your appointment!

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    Same-Day Emergency KeepRite Furnace Repair

    As winter approaches and temperatures plummet, the last thing you need is a faulty furnace. Don’t allow yourself to be cold and uncomfortable at home. Our KeepRite furnace repair and installation services are ready to offer quick and effective solutions for all your KeepRite furnace needs in Alberta.

    At One Stop HVAC, we take pride in delivering outstanding service and excellent workmanship. Whether you require a routine maintenance check, repair, or KeepRite furnace installation, our team of experts is at your service. We understand the importance of having a warm home during the winter, and we are dedicated to ensuring that you have a dependable furnace you can rely on.

    If your KeepRite furnace refuses to turn on, start by checking the thermostat settings, ensuring the furnace has power, and examining the pilot light or ignition system. Verify that the circuit breaker and furnace switch are on. A dirty air filter, blocked vents or ducts, and issues with the gas supply could also be culprits. Always prioritize safety, especially with gas furnaces, checking for any gas odors and contacting a professional if needed. Additionally, be mindful of safety switches that might need resetting. If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s recommended to seek the expertise from us to diagnose and address the problem.

    Several reasons could cause a KeepRite furnace to blow cold air. Here are potential issues to consider:

    1. Thermostat Settings: Ensure that the thermostat is set to the desired temperature and the “heat” mode. Incorrect settings may cause the furnace to blow cold air.
    2. Air Filter: A dirty or clogged air filter can impede airflow, leading to insufficient heating. Check and replace the air filter if it’s dirty.
    3. Pilot Light/Ignition Issues: If you have an older model with a pilot light, ensure it is lit. For newer models with electronic ignition, check for error codes and address any issues.
    4. Thermocouple Problems: A malfunctioning thermocouple may prevent the furnace from staying lit, resulting in cold air blowing. A professional technician can diagnose and replace a faulty thermocouple.
    5. Gas Supply Issues: For gas furnaces, ensure the gas supply is sufficient. Check for gas odors and, if detected, turn off the gas supply and contact a professional immediately.
    6. Malfunctioning Flame Sensor: A dirty or malfunctioning flame sensor may cause the furnace to shut off prematurely, leading to cold air blowing. Cleaning or replacing the flame sensor can resolve this issue.
    7. Ductwork Issues: Leaks or blockages in the ductwork can result in heat loss, causing the furnace to blow cold air. Inspect the ducts for any visible issues.

    While it’s normal for a KeepRite furnace to produce some operational noise, loud or unusual sounds may signal potential issues. One common culprit is a dirty or faulty blower motor, which can be addressed through regular maintenance and cleaning. Loose or damaged components within the furnace, such as screws or bolts, can also lead to vibrations and rattling noises. Regular inspection and tightening or replacement of these parts can mitigate the problem. A clogged air filter is another potential cause, restricting airflow and forcing the furnace to work harder, resulting in increased noise levels. Ignition problems and issues with the ductwork can contribute to loud furnace operation as well. If you’re experiencing excessive or concerning noises, it’s recommended to consult with us for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs. Addressing these issues promptly not only ensures a quieter operation but also helps maintain the overall efficiency and longevity of your KeepRite furnace.

    To improve weak airflow from your KeepRite furnace:

    1. Replace Air Filter: Regularly check and replace the air filter to prevent clogs.
    2. Inspect and Clean Vents: Ensure vents and registers are unobstructed and free of dust.
    3. Examine Ductwork: Look for leaks or blockages in the ductwork and address them.
    4. Adjust Dampers: If applicable, adjust duct dampers for optimal airflow.
    5. Verify Blower Motor and Fan: Check for issues and consult a professional for repairs.
    6. Upgrade Air Filter: Consider a high-efficiency filter compatible with your system.
    7. Ensure Thermostat Settings: Confirm correct temperature and heating mode settings.
    8. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Regularly schedule professional maintenance for a comprehensive system check.

    If issues persist, consult with an HVAC technician for a thorough assessment and solutions.

    Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your KeepRite furnace in top condition and preventing major issues. Here’s a brief checklist:

    1. Change Air Filter: Replace it regularly for proper airflow.
    2. Keep Vents Clear: Ensure vents are dust-free for optimal performance.
    3. Inspect Thermostat: Verify accurate settings and replace batteries as needed.
    4. Check Ductwork: Look for leaks and seal any gaps.
    5. Clear Furnace Area: Keep the space around the furnace clutter-free.
    6. Inspect Flue and Exhaust: Ensure proper ventilation and check for obstructions.
    7. Clean Blower and Fan: Turn off the power and remove dust and debris.
    8. Inspect Ignition System: For gas furnaces, check the ignition system.
    9. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Arrange an annual professional inspection for a thorough check.

    By following these steps, you’ll promote the longevity, efficiency, and safety of your KeepRite furnace.

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    Reliable KeepRite AC Repair & Installation Services

    During the intense heat of Canadian summers, it is essential to have a properly operating air conditioning system to keep a pleasant indoor atmosphere. Whether you need a new KeepRite AC installation or repair to your existing unit, One Stop HVAC offers tailored solutions with your comfort in mind.

    To guarantee optimal performance and extend the lifespan of your KeepRite AC unit, proactive maintenance and quick repairs are crucial. Overlooking minor problems may lead to significant issues, causing inconvenience, discomfort, and the possibility of costly repairs. Contact us today to speak to our team about KeepRite AC repair or installations!

    keeprite ac installation repair

    If your KeepRite AC isn’t cooling effectively, check the air filter, thermostat settings, and coils for dirt. Ensure proper refrigerant levels and consider consulting a professional for issues like a faulty compressor or ductwork problems. If problems persist, seek assistance from us for a thorough diagnosis and necessary repairs, we’d be happy to help!

    While a small amount of condensation is normal for air conditioners, excessive water leakage is not typical and may indicate a problem. Here are some reasons your KeepRite air conditioner might be leaking water:

    1. Clogged or Disconnected Drain Line: The air conditioner has a drain line that carries away condensation. If it becomes clogged or disconnected, water can overflow.
    2. Dirty or Clogged Evaporator Coil: Accumulated dirt on the evaporator coil may lead to excess condensation, causing water leakage.
    3. Frozen Evaporator Coil: If the evaporator coil freezes, it can melt and result in water leakage when it thaws.
    4. Improper Installation: Incorrect installation, such as a tilted unit or issues with the condensate pump, can lead to water pooling and leakage.
    5. Low Refrigerant Levels: Low refrigerant levels can cause the evaporator coil to freeze, leading to water leakage.

    A foul smell from your KeepRite AC may stem from a dirty evaporator coil, clogged drain pan, or mould in the ductwork. Regularly replace the air filter, clean the system components, and ensure proper ventilation. If the issue persists, seek professional help to identify and address the specific cause of the odour.

    Unusual noises from your KeepRite AC during operation can indicate various issues. Here are some common reasons for strange noises and potential solutions:

    1. Loud Banging or Clanking: This may be due to loose or damaged parts, such as a loose fan blade, compressor issues, or a failing motor. Turn off the unit and consult a professional technician to inspect and repair it.
    2. Hissing or Whistling: Air leaks or refrigerant issues can cause hissing or whistling sounds. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, turn off the AC and seek assistance from a qualified technician.
    3. Clicking Sounds: Clicking noises when the AC starts or stops could be normal. However, persistent clicking may indicate an issue with the electrical components or a faulty thermostat. Have a technician investigate the source of the clicking.
    4. Rattling or Vibrating: Loose or unsecured parts, such as loose panels, screws, or debris in the unit, can cause rattling or vibrating noises. Inspect the exterior of the AC and tighten any loose components.
    5. Squealing or Screeching: A worn-out or slipping fan belt can cause squealing or screeching sounds. Have the belt inspected and replaced if necessary.
    6. Buzzing Sounds: Buzzing noises may result from loose parts, electrical issues, or debris in the unit. Inspect the AC for loose components and clear any debris. If the problem persists, consult a technician.
    7. Gurgling or Bubbling: These sounds may indicate air or moisture in the refrigerant lines. Consult a professional technician to address refrigerant issues.

    If you’re unable to identify or resolve the issue on your own, it’s advisable to contact us. We can perform a comprehensive inspection, diagnose the specific problem, and recommend the necessary repairs to ensure your KeepRite AC operates smoothly and quietly.

    If your KeepRite AC won’t turn on, check the power source, thermostat settings, and safety switches. Ensure the air filter is clean, inspect for wiring issues, and examine the capacitor. If problems persist, or if you suspect motor or compressor issues, seek professional assistance from us for a comprehensive diagnosis and necessary repairs, we’re happy to help!

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    Heat Pumps, Thermostats and More

    KeepRite Heat Pump Repair & Installation

    KeepRite heat pumps integrate heating and cooling functions into one single unit, providing year-round comfort. While these appliances are valuable additions to Canadian homes, a breakdown leaves you without any HVAC system. That’s why One Stop HVAC provides 24/7 emergency repairs for KeepRite heat pumps and offers same-day appointments for KeepRite heat pump installations. Count on us as your reliable partner to ensure your home always has a functional HVAC system.

    If your KeepRite heat pump is not turning on, several factors may be causing the issue. Here are some common reasons and troubleshooting steps:

    • Check the power supply and ensure the circuit breaker is not tripped.
    • Verify thermostat settings and mode.
    • Reset safety switches if applicable.
    • Inspect and replace a dirty air filter.
    • Consult a professional for refrigerant issues.
    • Assess the thermistor for faults.
    • Examine the defrost control board for malfunctions.
    • Check for debris or obstructions in the outdoor unit.
    • If issues persist, contact us for further diagnosis and repairs.

    Several factors could contribute to your KeepRite heat pump not heating or cooling. Here are some potential reasons and troubleshooting steps:

    1. Thermostat Settings: Ensure the thermostat is set to the desired temperature and in the correct heating or cooling mode.
    2. Air Filter: Check and replace a clogged or dirty air filter to maintain proper airflow.
    3. Refrigerant Issues: Consult a professional for refrigerant-related problems, such as low levels or leaks.
    4. Outdoor Unit Issues: Inspect the outdoor unit for obstructions, debris, or ice buildup.
    5. Electrical Components: Check electrical components like capacitors and relays for faults that may affect the heat pump’s operation.

    If your KeepRite heat pump has ice buildup, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent damage to the unit and restore its efficiency. Here are the steps to take:

    • Turn Off the Heat Pump: Switch off the heat pump to allow the ice to melt.
    • Check and Replace the Air Filter: Inspect the filter and replace it if necessary.
    • Inspect the Outdoor Unit: Check the outdoor unit for any obstructions, debris, or vegetation that might be hindering proper airflow.
    • Ensure Proper Drainage: Verify that the drainage system, including the condensate drain and drain pan, is functioning correctly.
    • Check Refrigerant Levels: Low refrigerant levels can cause the coils to freeze.
    • Allow the Ice to Melt: Once the heat pump is turned off, wait for the ice to melt naturally. Do not attempt to chip away the ice, as this can damage the coils.

    If you’re uncertain about any of these steps or if the ice buildup is a recurring issue, it’s recommended to contact us. We can provide a thorough assessment, identify the underlying problems, and implement solutions to ensure your KeepRite heat pump operates efficiently.

    Unusual noises from your KeepRite heat pump may indicate issues like a refrigerant leak, loose components, or electrical problems. If you hear hissing, clicking, banging, squealing, humming, rattling, or gurgling sounds, turn off the unit and consult a professional technician for inspection and necessary repairs. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage and ensure efficient operation.

    To identify a faulty compressor in your KeepRite heat pump:

    • Temperature Issues: Lack of heating or cooling performance may indicate compressor problems.
    • Unusual Noises: Listen for strange sounds like clanking or loud humming coming from the compressor.
    • Circuit Breaker Trips: Repeated circuit breaker trips could signal a compressor drawing too much power.
    • Temperature Discrepancies: Check for temperature inconsistencies, such as warm air in cooling mode or cold air in heating mode.
    • Visual Inspection: Look for oil or refrigerant leaks around the compressor.

    If you notice these signs, consult with us for a thorough assessment and appropriate repairs or replacement of the compressor.

    KeepRite Ductless AC Repair & Installation

    One Stop HVAC provides reliable KeepRite ductless AC repairs and installations across Calgary and the CMR. Our team of skilled technicians is available 24/7, offering emergency repairs and same-day services for KeepRite ductless AC installations. With years of expertise in servicing KeepRite units, our team excels in performing on-site repairs and creating customized installation plans that prioritize your comfort.

    If your KeepRite ductless AC unit won’t turn on:

    • Check the power supply and ensure the circuit breaker is not tripped.
    • Verify remote control or control panel settings and check for faulty batteries.
    • Confirm timer settings and adjust as needed.
    • Test the remote control functionality and replace it if necessary.
    • Ensure the temperature setting is appropriate for activation.
    • Check and clean or replace the air filter.
    • Inspect the condensate pump for malfunctions.

    If issues persist, contact One Stop HVAC for a thorough diagnosis and repairs.

    Ductless AC systems offer numerous benefits, such as:

    • Energy Efficiency: Ductless systems enable zone-based heating and cooling, reducing energy waste by conditioning only the spaces in use.
    • Installation Flexibility: Not requiring ductwork, ductless systems are easy to install and suitable for both new construction and retrofitting existing homes.
    • Customizable Zoning: Each indoor unit can be independently controlled, allowing personalized temperature settings in different rooms or zones.
    • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Ductless units typically feature advanced filtration systems, enhancing indoor air quality by minimizing dust, allergens, and pollutants.
    • Compact Design: Sleek and compact indoor units provide flexibility in placement and contribute to aesthetic appeal.
    • Cost Savings: Energy-efficient operation and the ability to control individual zones can result in lower utility bills compared to traditional central air conditioning systems.

    Proper maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of a KeepRite ductless AC system. Follow these essential steps:

    • Filter Maintenance: Regularly clean or replace air filters every few weeks or as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure proper airflow and efficiency.
    • Outdoor Unit Care: Keep the outdoor unit free of debris, leaves, and obstructions. Periodically check and clean condenser coils to prevent dirt buildup.
    • Indoor Unit Cleaning: Wipe down the indoor unit with a damp cloth to eliminate dust. Avoid blocking airflow by keeping objects away from the unit.
    • Condensate Drain Inspection: Ensure the condensate drain line is unclogged. If necessary, use a water and bleach mixture to clear any blockages.
    • Professional Maintenance: Schedule annual maintenance with a qualified technician. They can conduct a thorough inspection, check refrigerant levels, and address potential issues.

    Regular maintenance enhances the efficiency and longevity of your KeepRite ductless AC unit while contributing to good indoor air quality. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines for optimal performance.

    The average lifespan of a well-maintained KeepRite ductless AC system is typically 15 to 20 years. Factors influencing longevity include regular maintenance, proper installation, usage intensity, environmental conditions, and technological advances. Adhering to the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines and scheduling professional check-ups can help maximize the system’s performance and lifespan.

    Yes, KeepRite ductless AC units are suitable for both residential and commercial applications. KeepRite offers a range of ductless systems designed to provide efficient and customizable heating and cooling solutions for various spaces. Whether you need to cool a single room in a residence or multiple zones in a commercial building, KeepRite ductless AC units are versatile and can be adapted to different settings. Their flexibility, energy efficiency, and zoning capabilities make them well-suited for both residential and commercial use. Keep in mind that the specific model and capacity of the ductless unit may vary based on the size and requirements of the space you intend to cool.

    KeepRite Thermostat Repair & Installation

    KeepRite provides a range of smart and traditional thermostats designed to regulate your home’s heating and cooling. One Stop HVAC offers round-the-clock emergency repairs for KeepRite thermostats and provides same-day appointments for installing KeepRite thermostats. With our team’s extensive experience in handling KeepRite appliances, we can not only service your thermostat but also ensure the optimal functioning of your home’s heating and cooling capabilities by attending to your KeepRite HVAC system.

    If your KeepRite thermostat isn’t turning on:

    1. Check the power supply, including batteries or the power source.
    2. Confirm the correct temperature and mode settings.
    3. Inspect the circuit breaker for any tripping.
    4. Examine wiring for loose or damaged connections.
    5. Replace a blown fuse in the HVAC system if necessary.
    6. Reset the thermostat to default settings to address software glitches.
    7. Replace batteries if applicable.
    8. Ensure thermostat compatibility with your HVAC system.
    9. If issues persist, seek professional assistance for further diagnosis and repairs.

    If your KeepRite thermostat isn’t reaching the set temperature:

    1. Verify correct thermostat settings for temperature and mode.
    2. Clean the thermostat and ensure there are no obstructions affecting accuracy.
    3. Avoid placing the thermostat near drafts, heat sources, or windows.
    4. Consider recalibrating the thermostat per the user manual.
    5. Install the thermostat in a central location for accurate temperature readings.
    6. Address poor home insulation affecting temperature control.
    7. Check the HVAC system for issues like clogged filters, dirty coils, or low refrigerant levels.
    8. Confirm thermostat compatibility with your HVAC system.

    If issues persist, consult with us for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.

    If the room temperature doesn’t match your KeepRite thermostat settings:

    1. Check thermostat placement for drafts, sunlight, or heat sources.
    2. Calibrate the thermostat according to the user manual.
    3. Clean the temperature sensor and consider replacement if issues persist.
    4. Review thermostat programming for accuracy and conflicts.
    5. Address home insulation problems for temperature consistency.
    6. Inspect the HVAC system for issues like clogged filters or malfunctions.
    7. Consider external factors like open windows affecting indoor temperature.
    8. Confirm thermostat compatibility with your HVAC system.
    9. Keep electronic devices away from the thermostat to avoid interference.

    To reset your KeepRite thermostat:

    1. Find the reset button, usually labelled as “Reset.”
    2. Use a small tool to press and hold the reset button for 5-10 seconds.
    3. Wait for the display screen to go blank or reset, then release the button.
    4. Optionally, power cycle the HVAC system or thermostat.
    5. Check and reprogram the thermostat settings.
    6. Consult the user manual for model-specific instructions or check online resources.

    If issues persist, contact us for assistance.

    Installation difficulty varies by model. While some users can install basic models, complex systems may require professional installation. Always refer to the user manual and follow guidelines to avoid complications.

    KeepRite Air Purifier Repair & Installation

    KeepRite air purifiers are designed to ensure that the air circulating in your home remains clean and free from airborne pollutants. If you encounter any issues with your KeepRite air purifier, it could lead to the circulation of unclean air throughout your property. One Stop HVAC provides 24/7 emergency repairs for KeepRite air purification systems and offers same-day appointments for KeepRite air purifier installations. Rely on our skilled technicians to bring your KeepRite air purifier back to optimal condition!

    If your KeepRite air purifier won’t turn on:

    1. Check the power supply, ensuring proper connection and trying a different outlet.
    2. Verify control panel or remote settings for accuracy.
    3. Review timer settings to ensure it’s set correctly.
    4. Check air quality to see if it falls within the purifier’s activation range.
    5. Inspect and clean or replace filters based on manufacturer guidelines.
    6. Examine the circuit breaker for any tripping.
    7. Replace remote control batteries if applicable.
    8. Inspect the power cord and plug for damage, replacing if necessary.

    If your KeepRite air purifier is overheating:

    1. Check for obstructions around the unit and ensure proper ventilation.
    2. Clean or replace dirty filters following the manufacturer’s guidelines.
    3. Verify the room temperature is within the recommended range for the air purifier.
    4. If you suspect a faulty fan motor, seek professional technician assistance.
    5. Address internal electronic malfunctions with professional help.
    6. Adhere to recommended run times to prevent excessive operation.
    7. Ensure a stable and suitable power supply for the air purifier.

    If issues persist, contact One Stop HVAC for guidance.

    If your KeepRite air purifier controls are unresponsive:

    1. Ensure proper power supply and try a different outlet.
    2. Check for a control lock feature; consult the manual on how to unlock controls.
    3. Inspect the control panel for visible damage and consider professional repair if needed.
    4. Verify remote control functionality and replace batteries if necessary.
    5. Reset the air purifier to default settings to address potential software glitches.
    6. If issues persist, there may be an internal malfunction; contact KeepRite customer support or a licensed technician.
    7. Look for error messages on the display and refer to the manual for interpretation and troubleshooting.

    If troubleshooting fails, seek professional assistance from us for a thorough inspection and potential repairs.

    If your KeepRite air purifier is making strange noises:

    1. Check for loose parts or panels and secure them.
    2. Inspect for foreign objects or debris and remove obstructions.
    3. Examine the fan for dirt or debris, and clean the area.
    4. Replace worn-out fan motor bearings if necessary.
    5. Ensure filters are clean and correctly installed.
    6. Place the unit on a stable surface to reduce vibrations.
    7. If the noise persists, contact KeepRite customer support or a licensed technician for electronic component inspection.
    8. Check for overall wear and tear, replacing worn components as needed.

    If your KeepRite air purifier has a strange smell:

    1. Check and clean or replace dirty filters.
    2. Address mould or mildew by cleaning and disinfecting the unit.
    3. Empty and clean the water tank if applicable.
    4. Clean internal components to remove accumulated dust.
    5. Consider electronic malfunctions, seeking professional assistance if needed.
    6. Allow a new unit to run in a well-ventilated area to dissipate initial chemical odours.
    7. Understand the characteristics of the filters used, by consulting the user manual.
    8. Ensure proper placement away from strong odours or pollutants.

    KeepRite Furnace Error Codes

    Control has 24 VAC power

    Unit’s pressure switch didn’t open

    Unit’s pressure switch didn’t close or reopened

    Indicates a problem with the ignition system, such as a faulty igniter or gas valve.

    An abnormal flame proving signal, the flame is likely proved while the gas valve is de-energized

    Failure to ignite or the flame sensor was lost while running

    Limit circuit lockout

    Gas heating lockout, control won’t auto-reset

    Polarity is reversed

    The blower is on after power up

    Ignition lockout

    Secondary voltage fuse is open

    Control circuitry lockout

    Gas valve relay is stuck while open, flame sense circuit failure, or software-check error

    Please keep in mind that these error codes are general and may not cover every possible situation. Always refer to your KeepRite furnace manual or consult a professional technician for accurate diagnosis and resolution.

    KeepRite Air Conditioner Error Codes

    High pressure protection of system.

    Anti-freezing protection.

    Block or Low pressure of refrigerant system.

    Compressor exhaust high temperature protection.

    AC over-current protection.

    Communication failure between indoor unit and outdoor unit.

    Anti-high temperature protection.

    Anti-high temperature protection.

    No feedback of indoor fan motor.

    Jumper cap malfunction protection.

    Indoor unit and outdoor unit doesn’t match.

    Outdoor DC fan motor malfunction.

    Power protection.

    Gathering refrigerant.

    Indoor ambient sensor open or short circuit.

    Indoor tube sensor open or short circuit.

    Outdoor ambient sensor open or short circuit.

    Outdoor tube sensor open or short circuit.

    Exhaust sensor open or short circuit.

    Please keep in mind that these error codes are general and may not cover every possible situation. Always refer to your KeepRite AC manual or consult a professional technician for accurate diagnosis and resolution.